Cookie policy

Cookie Policy

We use cookies on our site to improve its performance, to provide you with the best user experience.


What are cookies?

A cookie is a small amount of data that is stored in a file that websites place on the computers of their visitors in order to store information specific to that visitor or the device they are using. This helps the site remember information about your visit, username and other settings. So your next visit will be easier and the site will be more useful for you.

Cookies have a very important role and without them the use of the websites would be more difficult. They are created to overcome the limitation in web technologies. Web pages have no memory and cannot easily exchange information with each other. Cookies thus provide a type of memory for web pages.

Most cookies do not collect information that can identify you, but rather collect general information about how users reach and use the sites or what their location is.


What cookies does the LUMIBEE site use?

See a detailed description of the cookies used by this site:


  1. Own system-necessary cookies

These cookies are our own cookies, which are extremely important for the proper functioning of our site and without them its work would be impossible. We do not share them with third parties and they do not contain your personal data.


If you turn off these cookies, the site will not work properly.

They allow us to recognize that you have already visited our site, to tailor our communication to you, to save your selected products in a notebook and to offer personalized content on the site. Usually, cookies contain some information such as the Internet address of the website that created them, their validity and their number. Because of the small amount of information they contain, cookies generally cannot be used to reveal your identity or personal information.


  1. Third-party cookies – they are of the following types:

- Analytical

Analytical cookies serve to collect statistical information, on the basis of which general conclusions and recommendations can be made about the effectiveness of the site in view of user goals, as well as in view of marketing and advertising purposes. Such statistics include number of users per page, most visited pages, sources of the visit, time spent on the page, errors encountered and others.

These cookies enable the collection of anonymous information about the way users navigate the website and the difficulties they may experience. For

better precision, our site uses the proven analytical tools of Google Analytics.

- Functional

We use Google, Facebook and Twitter cookies to operate the various social sharing buttons, as well as Crowdio A/S cookies - the online chat service we use on our website.


- Advertising

LUMIBEE uses Google and Facebook cookies to show you ads that we believe are relevant to your interests. For example, if you have looked at offers for products in Sofia on our site, it can be assumed that you have an interest in such products and we will help you find the right products for you in Sofia by presenting them to you through targeted advertisements.


You may see these ads on various sites you visit as well as on social networks.


How long is the information kept?

Information is saved depending on the type of cookies. In the case of sessions, it is deleted when the browser is closed, while the permanent ones are valid between two months and several years. Our own cookies last up to 90 days.


How can you manage cookies?

As a user, you have the opportunity to control the cookies used, delete the cookies saved on your device and disable the use of cookies in the future.


You can control the use of cookies by this and other websites by changing your browser settings. You can find the relevant settings via the "Options" or "Preferences" menu in the browser.

Important: Please note that if you completely disable cookies, the LUMIBEE website will not be able to function properly.


If you are most concerned about the third-party advertising cookies that we and other advertisers use, you can set your preferences and manage them here: Your Online Choices site


IMPORTANT: If you turn off cookies for targeted ads, you will see the same amount of ads, but they will not be relevant to you and your needs and interests.


More information

More information about how businesses use cookies is available at:


If you have any questions regarding this Cookie Policy, please contact us by email.

This document was last updated on 11/11/2022.