Terms of Use

General terms and conditions for using the www.lumibeeskin.com website


Last change 11.11.2022


These GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS govern the relationship between the owner of "Lumibee Bulgaria" OOD , hereinafter referred to as "LUMIBEE", on the one hand, and the Users of internet pages and services located on the lumibeeskin.com domain (hereinafter referred to as Users), on the other side.


"Lumibee Bulgaria" Ltd. is a company registered under the Commercial Law of the Republic of Bulgaria with EIK 206034890, with headquarters and management address: Sofia, Chavdar Mutafov St. 22, entrance. A , email address: team@lumibeeskin.com, phone: 0883396599


LUMIBEE processes the personal data of the Users, applying all standards for the protection of personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and for the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC.

LUMIBEE respects the inviolability of the personality of natural persons and makes all necessary efforts to protect the personal data of natural persons against unlawful processing through the application of technical and organizational measures for the protection of personal data, which measures are fully in line with modern technological achievements and ensure a level of protection that corresponds to the risks associated with the processing and the nature of the data to be protected. Detailed information about what personal data LUMIBEE processes, the purposes of personal data processing, the period of storage of personal data, as well as the rest of the information in fulfillment of the requirements of Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 is available in the "Notice of privacy" of "LUMIBEE BULGARIA" OOD, published on the website.


Please read these General Terms and Conditions before using the information and commercial services offered by the site https://www.lumibeeskin.com (hereinafter referred to as Services). With the visualization of

https://www.lumibeeskin.com each User automatically undertakes to comply with the conditions described below. In case you have any questions, please contact us on +359883396599 or email team@lumibeeskin.com

These terms and conditions contain information about the activities of LUMIBEE and the general conditions for using the services provided by LUMIBEE, regulating the relationship between us and each of our users.

By visiting the site, as well as by pressing any button on the same, it is considered that you are familiar with these general terms and conditions and undertake to comply with them.

In order to use the Services, You warrant that You are at least 18 years of age and have legal capacity to enter into a contract under the Terms set forth herein.

These General Terms and Conditions may be changed at any time by LUMIBEE in order to improve the quality of the services provided, as well as with the introduction of new ones. When this happens, the amended Terms and Conditions will be posted on this website with a new "Last Modified" date at the top and will be effective from the date of posting. The changes may also result from changes in the Bulgarian legislation. Users of the site's services are obliged to check the updates of the General Terms and Conditions and comply with them.

The provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria apply to all matters not settled by the General Terms and Conditions, and the Bulgarian court is competent in the event of a dispute. The parties agree that in the event that any of the clauses under these General Terms and Conditions is/are found to be invalid, this will not invalidate the entire contract or any of its other parts. The invalid clause will be superseded by the mandatory rules of law or established practice.




Art. 1. The services provided by LUMIBEE to the User are information society services within the meaning of the Law on Electronic Commerce.

Art. 2. Users use the interface of LUMIBEE's website to familiarize themselves with the services offered by LUMIBEE and to use the products offered by the company.

Art. 3. (1) LUMIBEE provides users with the following services on its website:

3.1 possibility to conclude a contract for purchase and sale and delivery of the products offered by LUMIBEE.




Art. 4 (1) The user can enter into a sales contract with "LUMIBEE BULGARIA" LTD through the LUMIBEE website.

(2) The user should provide data for making the delivery and choose a method of payment for the goods, then confirm the order through the website interface.

(3) When placing an order, the User receives confirmation by email that his order has been accepted by LUMIBEE.

(4) In case of lack of availability of a given product, LUMIBEE reserves the right to refuse the order.

Art.5 (1) Under certain conditions, LUMIBEE has the right to refuse to enter into a contract with an incorrect User and has the right to treat a User as incorrect in cases where:

T.1 there is non-compliance by the User with the General Terms and Conditions;

T.2 systemic / three or more times / abuses by the User towards LUMIBEE have been established;

T.3 improper attitude towards the representatives of LUMIBEE was established.

Art. 6 (1) Orders placed through the site are accepted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and public holidays. It is not mandatory to have a registered user profile in order to place an order. The ordering of a product/s specified by the user is carried out in the following way:

You can place an order through the site using the "Buy" button located next to each product. When the button is pressed, the selected product is added to the user's basket, after which he has the option to add more products to it or continue to complete the order. When completing the order, the user has the opportunity to review the products he has decided to purchase, their prices and the final payment amount, as well as benefit from an additional discount if he has a promotional discount code.

After the finalization of the order and sending of the request made in this way, a confirmation will be sent to the indicated email with the record of the entered information. For each stage of order processing (confirmation of availability, shipment, etc.), the user will be notified by email.


Art.7 The value of the goods ordered by the user can be paid by using one of the options described on the website - payment by cash on delivery and by bank transfer.

(1) Payment by cash on delivery: upon receipt of the goods on site at the office of the courier company or upon receipt of the shipment at the address specified by the User, the User shall pay the amount due to the courier.

(2) Payment through a virtual POS terminal (with a card): In order to make a payment using a bank payment card, the User is automatically redirected to the payment page of the bank serving the Company (ePay). On the payment page, the User should enter the details of the card through which he will make the payment.




Art.7 (1) Upon completion of the order, users will receive their delivery through the couriers of the SPEEDY courier company. Users can choose whether to receive their delivery at an AIDS office or to an address specified by them in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

(2) All orders worth over BGN 80 are delivered with FREE delivery (regardless of whether the User has specified an address or courier office). All other orders are subject to a shipping fee of:

- BGN 3.45 with VAT when delivered to an AIDS office;

- BGN 5.00 with VAT for delivery to an address specified by the recipient.

(3) The delivery is at the expense of the user, unless it is explicitly mentioned on the LUMIBEE website that the delivery is at the expense of LUMIBEE.

Art.8 LUMIBEE is not responsible for non-fulfillment of an order in cases where the User has specified false, incomplete and/or inaccurate personal data, including when he has specified an incomplete, inaccurate or fictitious address or telephone number.

(2) The delivery time is from 2 to 5 working days for orders. LUMIBEE reserves the right to extend the delivery period in exceptional circumstances, promptly informing the User thereof.

Art. 9 (1) According to the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, Users have the right to withdraw from the concluded distance sales contract within 14 days from the day of delivery of the goods without giving a reason.

(2) In the event that the User withdraws from the concluded contract, we will refund the amount paid by him for the goods, using the same means of payment as he used when purchasing the goods, unless otherwise agreed.

(3) LUMIBEE reserves the right to delay reimbursement until the goods are received back or until the consumer provides us with evidence that he has sent back the goods, whichever occurs first.

(4) If the user wishes to exercise his right of return, he must notify us of his decision in the manner indicated in Art. 10, para. (1) of these general terms term. The user should notify us by email by completing the standard opt-out form located at or by other unambiguous opt-out request at the email we specify. In case the User uses this option, LUMIBEE will return an electronic message (email) to confirm the receipt of the refusal. If the User does not receive such an e-mail from us within 3 days, he should also call us on the phones specified by us in order to check the specific case.

(5) In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, the User is obliged to store the received goods, their quality and safety until the moment of their return to LUMIBEE in the form in which they were received.

(6) The user is obliged to return the goods at his own expense together with the receipt and the invoice by sending them via the courier company SPEEDY to the office of SPEEDY at the address of the city of Sofia, Simeonovsko shose Blvd. 66 or via the courier company SPEEDY to the indicated address of LUMIBEE: Sofia, 22 Chavdar Mutafov St., entrance A. The user can choose and personally return the goods to the address: Sofia, 22 Chavdar Mutafov St., entrance. A, as he should state in advance the day and time of delivery of the goods to the telephone number specified by us.

(7) When the User exercises his right to withdraw from the contract, the User must send the goods back to LUMIBEE as specified in Art. 9, para. (6) without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the date on which the User notified the trader of his decision to withdraw from the contract. The deadline is considered to have been met if the User sends or hands over the goods back to LUMIBEE before the expiry of the 14-day period. In the event of non-compliance with this deadline, LUMIBEE considers that the User has withdrawn his statement to exercise a waiver of the contract.

(8) When returning, the goods MUST be in their original packaging, with absolutely no signs of use or damage to the commercial appearance of the goods (e.g. torn or removed packaging, removed or torn cellophane, removed labels, missing parts, etc.) and be accompanied by all accompanying documents - receipt and/or invoice, instructions for use, etc.

(9) When returning the goods, the user undertakes to return all the gifts he received together with the ordered goods, in case they were sent by LUMIBEE.

(10) The consumer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract if the subject of the same is sealed goods that have been unsealed and/or tested after their delivery and cannot be returned due to reasons related to hygiene or health protection.

(11) When the goods received by the User do not correspond to the characteristics indicated on the online store page, have not been used by the User in any way and have an intact outer factory packaging, the costs of returning the goods are at the expense of LUMIBEE. In this case, the User must necessarily send the goods back to us, via the SPEEDY courier company to the SPEEDY office at 66 Simeonovsko Shosse Blvd., Sofia, or via the SPEEDY courier company to the indicated LUMIBEE address: Sofia, Chavdar St. Mutafov 22, entrance A, indicating as recipient the company "Lumibee Bulgaria" LTD.

(12) In case of a request to return a product (corresponding to the characteristics indicated on the online store page), the transport is at the expense of the User.

(13) In the event that the goods meet the conditions stated above, namely that they have retained their commercial appearance, have not been opened, unpacked, with torn or removed packaging, removed or torn cellophane, removed labels, missing parts, etc. , LUMIBEE refunds in full the value paid by the User for the returned goods no later than 14 days from the date on which the User exercised his right of withdrawal.

(14) A claim for a damaged shipment is made ONLY at the time of receipt of the shipment and necessarily in the presence of the courier. The courier notes this with a note in the bill of lading and a finding report is filled out in duplicate. These actions are mandatory for the validity of the damage and shortages on the shipment covered by the insurance. The user (the recipient of the shipment) is obliged to request a copy of the report, fill out a return form and attach a copy of the report to the form.




Art. 10 The execution of the User's order may be prevented due to any of the following reasons:

(1) It is possible that one of the ordered products is not available; In this case, we will contact the User as soon as possible by phone or at the e-mail address specified by him, in order to specify in what time frame the ordered goods will be delivered.

(2) When, when choosing a method of payment for the goods, the User has chosen "Payment by card", but no payment has been made or there is a delay in the payment.

(3) When placing an order, the User has specified incorrect or incomplete delivery data - names, address, telephone, postal code.

In the event of impossibility of delivery due to no fault of ours (the User is not at the specified address or does not answer the supplier's calls), the order will be returned to us and the User will bear the costs of return delivery to him.




Art. 11. (1) LUMIBEE has the right to send commercial messages to the User in order to offer information and advertisements regarding its own goods and/or services offered by other commercial companies, to make inquiries on a variety of issues, to conduct surveys and other only to Users who have given their express consent to this. After getting acquainted with the Privacy Notice and giving his consent to the processing of personal data, the User has the right to receive commercial messages from LUMIBEE.

(2) The user has the right to object to the sending of commercial messages, by unsubscribing, using the options provided for this purpose to LUMIBEE. The user should also explicitly notify LUMIBEE in case he does not want his personal data already provided to be the subject of direct marketing.




Art. 12. (1) LUMIBEE has a legitimate interest in collecting and processing information about Users after their voluntary and informed identification. The information by which the person can be identified may include the following personal data: name, surname, date of birth, address, telephone, email, IP address, as well as any other information that the person voluntarily provides during identification. The information includes any other data that the User enters, uses or provides when using the Services provided on the LUMIBEE website.

(2) All information provided by the User is processed according to LUMIBEE's Privacy Notice.

Art. 13. In the identification form filled in by the User, LUMIBEE indicates the mandatory or voluntary nature of providing the data and the consequences of refusing to provide them.

Art. 14. (1) The user can identify himself by filling in the relevant electronic identification form, available in real time (on-line) on the Internet on the LUMIBEE site and expressing agreement with these General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Notice.

(2) Upon identification, the User shall make an electronic statement within the meaning of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act, by which he declares that he is familiar with these General Terms and Conditions, accepts them and undertakes to comply with them. By recording it on a suitable medium in LUMIBEE's server, through a generally accepted standard for conversion in a technical way making its reproduction possible, the electronic statement acquires the quality of an electronic document within the meaning of the cited law. LUMIBEE may store in log files on its server the IP address of the User, as well as any other information necessary to identify him and reproduce his electronic statement of acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions in the event of a legal dispute. The text of these General Terms and Conditions is available on the Internet on the LUMIBEE website in a way that allows its storage and reproduction.

(3) When completing the identification application, the User is obliged to provide complete and correct data regarding identity (for individuals), legal status (for legal entities) and other data required by the electronic form of LUMIBEE. The user declares that he agrees to provide the personal data so requested, thereby guaranteeing that the data he provides in the identification process is true, complete and accurate and, if the latter changes, he will update them promptly. In case of providing incorrect data or at its own discretion, LUMIBEE has the right to terminate or suspend the provision of services immediately and without notice. The above is valid in case the provided services are used in violation of the present general conditions, the legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria and generally accepted moral norms.

Art. 15. This site may contain links to other sites. These sites are provided for the convenience of Users and for information, and as such Users use them at their own risk. The content of these sites is not affiliated with LUMIBEE and we do not endorse this content, whether we are partners with the owners of these sites or not. LUMIBEE does not assume any responsibility for damages and losses incurred by the Users as a result of the use of these sites. LUMIBEE is not responsible for the content on third-party sites, as well as for the presence of viruses, other harmful components on these sites.

Art. 16. (1) The prices of the services offered by LUMIBEE are those specified by LUMIBEE.

(2) The prices of the offered products are indicated in Bulgarian leva and include VAT, except in cases where it is not explicitly stated that the price is without VAT.

(3) LUMIBEE reserves the right to change the prices of the published offers at any time and without notice, such changes will not affect already concluded contracts.

(4) LUMIBEE reserves the right to provide PROMOTIONS - special conditions for the sale or provision of services that are regulated according to the rules specified within the online store, offered by LUMIBEE for a certain period of time, which the User can take advantage of according the rules regulated there, such as a reduction in the Price or delivery costs.




Art. 17. (1) The USER expressly agrees that the use of this website is entirely his responsibility, and if damage to his equipment is caused due to its use, the same is at his expense.

(2) The User expressly agrees that LUMIBEE shall not be liable for any loss or damage (whether actual, consequential, punitive or otherwise), damages or damages of any other nature incurred as a result of the use of this website or link from this site. LUMIBEE shall not be liable for any damage caused by an error in the use of the site, omission, interruption, defect in operation, computer virus, theft or damage arising from the use of information, opinions or other materials from this website.

(3) LUMIBEE does not guarantee that the functions contained in this website are error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the server that provides the content is free of viruses or other harmful components.

(4) Users agree to protect, defend and indemnify LUMIBEE and their suppliers, employees, directors, partners, agents, licensors from losses, expenses, damages of any nature arising from a violation by Users of any of the terms of use of this website. Users expressly agree that LUMIBEE is not responsible for any deformity, offensive or illegal behavior of other Users of the site or third parties.

Art. 18. (1) LUMIBEE is not responsible for damages, damages and/or lost profits:

- Caused by inaccurate, unreliable or misleading (misleading) information and/or data submitted by Users of the site, by information from published news and/or other information sources, as well as damages caused by unwanted electronic exchange (spam).


- Arising as a result of force majeure within the meaning of Art. 306 of the Commercial Law.

Art. 19 LUMIBEE has the right to prohibit access to the website from certain mobile phones, IP addresses or e-mail addresses from which systematic violations of these General Terms and Conditions have been committed.




Art. 20. (1) The intellectual property rights on all materials and resources located on the LUMIBEE website, including, but not limited to, all published texts, photographs, images, illustrations, graphics, computer programs, available databases, as well as any information , which has been uploaded to the site, are subject to protection under the Law on copyright and related rights, belong to LUMIBEE BULGARIA LTD or the correspondingly designated person who assigned the right of use to LUMIBEE BULGARIA LTD, and may not be used in violation of the current legislation.

(2) Trademarks (unregistered or registered) that are published on the website are protected by applicable law. Nothing in these General Terms and Conditions shall be construed as granting any right to use the LUMIBEE trademark.

(3) The User's right of access does not include the right to use, copy or reproduce information representing an object of intellectual property, unless it concerns information of insignificant volume intended for personal use, provided that legitimate interests are not unduly damaged of the authors or other holders of intellectual property rights and in case the copying or reproduction is carried out for non-commercial purposes.

(4) In case of copying or reproduction of information beyond what is permissible, according to the preceding paragraph, as well as in case of any other violation of intellectual property rights on LUMIBEE resources, LUMIBEE has the right to claim compensation for direct and indirect damages suffered in full.

(5) The user undertakes, when using the provided access to the services offered on the LUMIBEE site: to comply with Bulgarian legislation, these General Terms and Conditions, Internet ethics, rules of morality and good manners; not to harm the good name of another and not to call for violence; to immediately notify LUMIBEE of any case of committed or detected violation; not to interfere with the proper operation of the system, including, but not limited to, not to thwart the identification procedure of another User, not to access outside of the one provided, not to damage or impede the availability, reliability or quality of the access provided, as well as to does not use it in a way that causes a refusal to use it; not to extract by technical means or in a technical way information resources or parts of information resources belonging to the databases located on the LUMIBEE website and thus not to create its own database in electronic or other form; not to impersonate another person or otherwise mislead third parties about his identity or his belonging to a certain group of people; not to commit malicious acts within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions.

(6) Except in cases where it is expressly agreed, the User may not reproduce, change, delete, publish, distribute and publicize in any other way the information resources published on the LUMIBEE website.




Art. 21. LUMIBEE uses small files through which the site "instructs" the User's browser to save information on the device he is using (Cookies).


City of Sofia, 40 Cherni Vrah Blvd., bl. 46, entrance 1, fl. 3, apt. 17

For questions about these General Site Terms of Use, you can email us at team@lumibeeskin.com